Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Obama Challenge

Now that the election is over and the people have spoken, I am unleashing my Nostradamus powers and opening up this challenge. I have 13 predictions that I am certain will occur before the end of Obama's term.

My challenge is this. If 50% of these fail to happen by January 20, 2013, I will take you to the restaurant of your choice and pay for your meal (including drinks). However, if 50% of these do occur, you will do the same (you get off a bit easier since I will not be drinking).

So without further adieu, here's the list:

1. Major Terrorist Attack. America will suffer at least one major terrorist attack by a nuclear, biological or chemical weapon. This attack will occur on American soil and will result in at least 10,000+ fatalities.

2. Iranian Nuclear Weapon Attainment. Iran will complete it's nuclear weapon development program and successfully test a nuclear weapon.

3. Nuclear Attack on Israel. Iran will attack Israel with a nuclear weapon.

4. Unemployment. U.S. unemployment will exceed 9% at some point in the next 4 years.

5. Price of gasoline. Gasoline prices will break the $6/gallon barrier at some point in the next 4 years.

6. Job growth. Non-government job creation will be negative, on average, for the 4 year period.

7. Iraq 1: U.S. military casualties for the 16 month period beginning January 20, 2009 (Obama's promised time table for withdrawal) will exceed that suffered during the entire period of the conflict to that point.

8. Iraq 2: By the end of Obama's term, Iraq will have collapsed into civil war and become a defacto puppet state of Iran.

9. Violent Crime in the U.S. Violent crimes in the U.S. will grow at double digit percentages, on average, each year for the next 4 years.

10. Illegal Immigration: The rate of illegal immigration into the U.S. will increase, with at least a 50% increase in the estimated number of illegal aliens residing in America by January 20, 2013.

11. Russia: Russia will invade and occupy a former soviet client country. The U.S. will not intervene, regardless of any existing treaty.

12. State Insolvency: At least 5 American states will declare fiscal insolvency during the next 4 years and request (and receive) federal "bail out".

13. Federal Debt: By the end of Obama's term, the U.S. Federal debt will have increased 50% from it's current level.

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